Keyword Analysis & Research: robots redeem code
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Hoof health - fewer hoof infections - Meteor - Lely
In the second phase, the Lely Meteor sprayers are used for preventive treatment. The Automatic Sprayer is installed in our automatic milking system, the Lely Astronaut. This means that the automatic sprayer takes a task out of your hands without adding more …
DA: 35 PA: 69 MOZ Rank: 39
Lely Meteor Care Spray EU
Lely Meteor Care Spray EU maakt deel uit van de preventieve maatregelen. Het product wordt aangebracht met de Lely Meteor Automatische Sprayer en desinfecteert de klauwen na het melken. Het desinfecteren van de klauwen herstelt de hygiëne, … login
DA: 62 PA: 66 MOZ Rank: 62
Introduction of the Lely Meteor App - Lely
The Lely Meteor App is the next addition to the total Meteor approach. Lely Farm Management Support *Please note that the Lely Meteor approach is only available in Germany, France, The Netherlands and The Nordic countries at the time of writing. ** …
DA: 92 PA: 73 MOZ Rank: 41
Lely Meteor Balm
Lely Meteor Balm spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der „Nulltoleranz“ des Lely Meteor-Ansatzes zur Klauengesundheit. Lely Meteor Balm wird verwendet, wenn die Haut mehr Pflege benötigt. Der Balsam löst veränderte Haut ab und schafft Platz für die darunter liegende gesunde Haut. Das fördert den natürlichen Heilungsprozess. login
DA: 34 PA: 72 MOZ Rank: 24
Meteor total hoof health approach - Lely
Lely Meteor* is a hoof health approach for dairy farms composed of three aspects: Farm Management Support, specific aids and care products. Lely Meteor stands for striking the right balance between these three areas. The Lely Meteor hoof health approach spans the entire farm to include dairy cattle, dry cattle and calves
DA: 33 PA: 14 MOZ Rank: 54
Lely Meteor Blocks kit
Lely Meteor Blocks kit. • Einmalbehandlung dank der starken Haftfähigkeit der Klötze auf trockenen Klauen. • Inhalt: 2x Leim (2 x 2 Spritzen), 2x Mixer tip (2 x 10 Stk.), 2x Klauenklötze (2 x 10 Stk.) Lely Meteor Kleber wird verwendet, um einen Lely Meteor Klotz unter eine gesunde Klaue zu kleben, damit die Belastung der kranken Klaue ... login
DA: 39 PA: 28 MOZ Rank: 19
Lely Meteor Wash Spray - Lely Center Webshop
Lely Meteor Wash Spray. • Verstärkt die Wirksamkeit des Lely Meteor Care Sprays. • Das Produkt ist nicht reizend und hat keine negativen Auswirkungen auf den Melkvorgang. Das Ziel von Lely war die Entwicklung eines sicheren Produkts, welches frei von schädlichen Wirkungen auf das Melken, die Milchqualität, die Umwelt und die Melkanlagen ist. login
DA: 95 PA: 52 MOZ Rank: 88
Lely Meteor Wash Spray 10 kg can
Lely Meteor Wash Spray 10 kg can. • Lely Meteor Wash Spray (10 ltr) is een klauwenreinigingsmiddel. • Verhoogt de reinigingscapaciteit van het water. • Consequent wassen zorgt voor schone klauwen. Lely Meteor Wash Spray bestaat uit organische zuren, oppervlakte actieve stoffen en hexyl glucocide. De voordelen van Wash Spray: - Verhoogt de ... login
DA: 30 PA: 83 MOZ Rank: 73
Lely Meteor - Lely - PDF Catalogs | Technical
Lely Meteor is also available as a Lely Astronaut Hoof Health choi. Open the catalog to page 1. Focus on all animals and all factors The Lely Meteor is the first solution on the market that addresses hoof disorders from A to Z. It focuses not only on lactating cows but also on young stock and dry cows. In addition, this approach also addresses ... login
DA: 32 PA: 34 MOZ Rank: 59
Lely Meteor - How it works - English / Netherlands - …
Sep 26, 2016 . Cows with healthy hoves are more productive and need less attention. Adopting an all-round approach with corrective and preventive treatment improves hoof he...
DA: 21 PA: 72 MOZ Rank: 10
Lely Meteor - How it works - German / Deutsch - YouTube
DA: 97 PA: 42 MOZ Rank: 30
Lely Meteor - How it works - French / Netherlands - YouTube
Les vaches avec des pattes en bonne santé sont plus productives et demandent moins d'attention. L'adoption d'une approche complète, avec un traitement correc...
DA: 28 PA: 94 MOZ Rank: 55
Lely Meteor - testimonial hoof trimmer - French
Les vaches avec des pattes en bonne santé sont plus productives et demandent moins d'attention. L'adoption d'une approche complète, avec un traitement correc...
DA: 79 PA: 88 MOZ Rank: 40
Lely Center Herrup (B.F Malketeknik)
Lely Center Herrup anvender cookies på, for at tilpasse indhold, funktioner og gøre det muligt at handle i vores webshop. Nødvendige cookies hjælper med at gøre en hjemmeside brugbar ved at aktivere grundlæggende funktioner såsom side-navigation og adgang til sikre områder af hjemmesiden. login
DA: 82 PA: 31 MOZ Rank: 27
Lely - Meteor on the App Store - Apple Inc.
Lely Meteor Register hoof health. The Lely Meteor hoof health approach concentrates on identifying and treating hoof disorders first and then on regular preventive treatments. This app enables hoof trimmers to register the location and severity of disorders per hoof. In addition, they can indicate… login
DA: 24 PA: 2 MOZ Rank: 97
Cows cattle crush - Meteor - Lely - hoof-care
Preventive hoof care In the second phase, the Lely Meteor sprayers are used for preventive treatment. The Automatic Sprayer is installed in our automatic milking system, the Lely Astronaut. This means that the automatic sprayer takes a task out of your hands without adding more time to milking. Dry cows and calves are regularly treated with the ... login
DA: 89 PA: 65 MOZ Rank: 42
Lely Meteor - Erfaring mælkeproducenter (Dansk / Danish
Lely Meteor - Et allround koncept for optimal klovsundhedKøer med sunde klove er mere produktive og kræver mindre opmærksomhed. Indførelse af et allround kon...
DA: 44 PA: 88 MOZ Rank: 71
Rengøringsmidler - Lely Center Herrup (B.F Malketeknik)
Fragt- og rabatstruktur gældende for leverancer direkte fra Lely Consumables i Holland: Ved køb over kr. 5.500,- ekskl. moms: Fragtfri levering Ved køb over kr. 8.000,- ekskl. moms: Fragtfri levering + 6% rabat på ordren Ved køb over kr. 21.500,- ekskl. moms: Fragtfri levering + 13% rabat på ordren OBS. Bestilling af kemi skal ske senest onsdag for levering i efterfølgende uge. login
DA: 56 PA: 96 MOZ Rank: 34