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DA: 30 PA: 94 MOZ Rank: 58
Workforce Management Software - uTRAC Online
Staff Login; Watch Demo . uTRAC Workforce Management Software Flexible and easy to use workforce management software for temp agencies and event services companies. uTRAC is an award winning online solution designed for dynamic businesses to recruit, schedule, and track any volume of workers quickly and easily.
DA: 16 PA: 83 MOZ Rank: 89
The uTracer, a miniature Tube Tester / Curve Tracer.
Johan from Belgium used an old wine case for the construction of his uTracer! In his own words: “Now it not only looks good, it also smells good!”. Stephen Lafferty wrote a beautiful review article for his website and included the design of a high precision heater supply!! Zbigniew Stelmasiak from Warsaw compressed the construction of a ... login
DA: 92 PA: 40 MOZ Rank: 1
The uTracer, a miniature Tube Curve Tracer / Tester.
I have problems installing the GUI. Normally installing the GUI should be straightforward. Just unzip the download to a temporary directory. There are three files in the unzipped download: a CAB (cabinet) file, a LST listing file and a Setup application. The CAB file is just another zipped file which contains the GUI executable and some ActiveX components (.OCX files) the executable needs to run. Most important are the mscomm32.ocx and MSCOMCTL.OCX which deal with the serial communications. Normally do…
I have problems installing the GUI. Normally installing the GUI should be straightforward. Just unzip the download to a temporary directory. There are three files in the unzipped download: a CAB (cabinet) file, a LST listing file and a Setup application. The CAB file is just another zipped file which contains the GUI executable and some ActiveX components (.OCX files) the executable needs to run. Most important are the mscomm32.ocx and MSCOMCTL.OCX which deal with the serial communications. Normally do…
DA: 90 PA: 14 MOZ Rank: 6
The uTracer, a miniature Tube Curve Tracer / Tester.
The program which controls the uTracer is called the Graphical User Interface (GUI). The GUI is a standalone program that can be downloaded for free. The GUI communicates with the uTracer through a serial data link. The GUI was in the first place designed to trace the curves of tubes.
DA: 67 PA: 80 MOZ Rank: 24
The uTracer, a miniature Tube Curve Tracer / Tester.
The small dummy uTracer circuit on the right shows how such a circuit can be wired on a 9-pin female RS232 (DB9) connector. Pins 2 and 3 are the data pins. The other wiring makes sure that the handshake signals are properly bypassed. To test the GUI, first install it as described above. To have a 100% fail safe test, connect the “dummy ... login
DA: 30 PA: 83 MOZ Rank: 70
The uTracer, a miniature Tube Tester / Curve Tracer.
The uTracer, a miniature Tube Tester / Curve Tracer. The uTracer is a small and affordable tube tester - or better a tube curve tracer - which measures all the important tube parameters and tube curves just the way as they can be found in data sheets. It is the ideal instrument if you want to design your own tube circuits, check the quality of ... login
DA: 100 PA: 82 MOZ Rank: 62
TRACES | Login
Jun 21, 2013 . TRACES | Login. For Tax Payers: If you are already registered in TRACES, please login with your registered User Id (PAN), Password & PAN else register as new user. User can not enter details in column PAN for Tax Payer as column will be auto-populated on the basis of User Id entered by user. Common Note: UTracer
DA: 42 PA: 19 MOZ Rank: 30
#1 Investigative Research Software - Skip Tracing & Data
Investigative Research Software All the data you need at the click of a button. Tracers is the #1 trusted cloud-based investigative and data research software designed to help you find key pieces of information available only in public and private records. UTracer
DA: 3 PA: 73 MOZ Rank: 23
uTracer - Black Magic Amplifiers
See Ronald Dekker’s uTracer website – all about the uTracer I also wanted to be able to generate SPICE models. I was able to do this by exporting the data and using a Python script to optimize the parameters of the SPICE models, but it was a bit long-winded and so I decided to embark on a project to write a new GUI, as much for the exercise ... login
DA: 12 PA: 11 MOZ Rank: 9
MyHR Recruitment
The Department of Education MyHR Recruitment system is a web based solution. Our key driver in system design was to deliver a system that is intuitive and innovative. The MyHR Recruitment application is optimised for Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox. Please note: The MyHR Recruitment solution is not optimised for smart devices. UTracer
DA: 36 PA: 85 MOZ Rank: 38
TRACER - Home - Colorado
Welcome to the public disclosure website for campaign finance in Colorado. The Secretary of State's Office developed this TRACER ( Tra nsparency in C ontribution and E xpenditure R eporting) Campaign Finance system in response to the growing number of committees required to report contributions and expenditures, to increase the efficiency of ... UTracer
DA: 30 PA: 70 MOZ Rank: 42
uTracer 3+ Upgrade Part 1: Introduction
In 2012, I ran into the uTracer project, a compact vacuum tube test circuit that was available as a DIY kit. This tester kit was a combination of a PCB containing all of the hardware to generate all of the necessary signals for energizing the tubes and a software package that talks to the hardware and presents the data nicely on screen. The tester is very powerful and flexible, giving the user tons of options for gathering useful data. At the time that the kit came out I was heavily involved in designing and buildi… login
In 2012, I ran into the uTracer project, a compact vacuum tube test circuit that was available as a DIY kit. This tester kit was a combination of a PCB containing all of the hardware to generate all of the necessary signals for energizing the tubes and a software package that talks to the hardware and presents the data nicely on screen. The tester is very powerful and flexible, giving the user tons of options for gathering useful data. At the time that the kit came out I was heavily involved in designing and buildi…
DA: 2 PA: 51 MOZ Rank: 30
The uTracer Tube Tester / Curve Tracer -
Aug 24, 2019 . The uTracer Tube Tester / Curve Tracer. If anybody is looking for a great ( advanced) project, the uTracer Tube Tester / Curve Tracer is awesome. It has a quick test function that covers all the bases that most good tube testers might cover. Additionally, you can trace curves to see much more detailed specs about your tubes, as well as real ... login
DA: 42 PA: 60 MOZ Rank: 62
uTracer... | diyAudio
Apr 02, 2013 . The uTracer will plot dIa/dV (first differential of anode current vs. grid voltage for different anode voltages) and the reciprocal of that, i.e. transconductance and gm - you can have two Y axis active at any time. This video explains how to do it: uTracer 3, Measuring the Transconductance - YouTube. login
DA: 88 PA: 6 MOZ Rank: 72
uTracer 3+ - Apps on Google Play
• Added support for the high current version of the uTracer (use at your own risk) • Fixed a bug when using higher voltages • You can now skip the internal heater to use your own external heater • Renamed Bluetooth modules will now display the renamed name instead of the original name • Added the grid voltage field to the results dialog login
DA: 17 PA: 33 MOZ Rank: 87
UTracer - Apps on Google Play
UTracer Industrial Version is a world-leading IoT blockchain mobile platform created by UCOT. It is a functional extension of the UTracer Consumer Version applied to the industrial environment. UTracer industrial version can help enterprises to obtain, store and use data by integrating blockchain technology and advanced functional IoT devices.
DA: 100 PA: 42 MOZ Rank: 71
uTracer Vacuum Tube Curve Tracer Build - lensprojects
Jun 10, 2019 . uTracer Vacuum Tube Curve Tracer Build. June 10, 2019 lens42. This post is mostly a shout out to Ronald Dekker, the inventor and seller of a very neat tube tester kit called the uTracer. I did quite a bit of web searching before buying this kit in 2014. It was at that time, and still appears to be, the best device of its kind, especially when ... login
DA: 80 PA: 76 MOZ Rank: 87