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Predictable in Spanish | English to Spanish Translation
predictable. [prɪˈdɪktəbl] adjective. [+result, outcome] previsible. person, book, behaviour the results are predictable. his reaction was predictable su reacción era de esperar. events seemed to be conforming to a predictable pattern. the contents of the report were entirely predictable el contenido del informe era totalmente previsible ... login
DA: 16 PA: 90 MOZ Rank: 68
predictable - Spanish translation – Linguee
predictable policy n —. marco de actuación m. predictable effects pl —. efectos previsibles pl m. predictable risks pl —. riesgos previsibles pl m. predictable outcome n —. resultado previsible m. predictable way n —.
DA: 78 PA: 7 MOZ Rank: 70
predictable - English-Spanish Dictionary - …
predictable - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: predictable adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (can be predicted) predecible adj mf adjetivo de una sola terminación: Adjetivos de una sola terminación en singular ("amable", … login
DA: 40 PA: 76 MOZ Rank: 42
Predictable | Therapy Box
Predictable is included in the UNICEF App Catalogue. The Catalogue is a library of health and distance learning apps developed by the public and private sector and assessed by UNICEF for functionality, use by children and accessibility.
DA: 56 PA: 27 MOZ Rank: 85
predictable translation in Spanish | English-Spanish
Development partners should ensure predictable, harmonized and transparent economic assistance.: Los asociados para el desarrollo deberían garantizar una asistencia económica previsible, armonizada y transparente.: Sustainable, predictable and flexible funding for African-led peace-support operations is another major challenge. Otro importante desafío es lograr …
DA: 33 PA: 27 MOZ Rank: 71
predictability - Spanish translation – Linguee
marco de actuación m. predictable risks pl —. riesgos previsibles pl m. predictable way n —. manera predecible f. predictable effects pl —. efectos previsibles pl m. predictable outcome n —. resultado previsible m.
DA: 94 PA: 91 MOZ Rank: 28
predictable - 英汉词典
主要翻译: 英语: 中文: predictable adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (can be predicted) SC Simplified Chinese 可以预料的 kě yǐ yù liào de : SC Simplified Chinese 可以预见的 kě yǐ yù liào de ,kě yǐ yù jiàn de : This accident was predictable and measures should have been put in place to ... login
DA: 58 PA: 83 MOZ Rank: 22
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DA: 17 PA: 77 MOZ Rank: 14
Translation of predictable in Spanish | English-Spanish
Lettris is a curious tetris-clone game where all the bricks have the same square shape but different content. Each square carries a letter. To make squares disappear and save space for other squares you have to assemble English words (left, right, up, down) from the falling squares.
DA: 56 PA: 37 MOZ Rank: 33
England’s second Ashes Test defeat was sadly all too
Dec 21, 2021 . England’s second Ashes Test defeat was sadly all too predictable. Despite Jos Buttler’s best efforts, England cricket fans have had little …
DA: 65 PA: 42 MOZ Rank: 8
Covid will pose threat to UK for next five years, experts
Dec 04, 2021 . Covid will be a threat to the UK for at least the next five years, scientific advisers have warned the government. A report prepared by the Scientific Pandemic Influenza group on Modelling (Spi-M ...
DA: 28 PA: 63 MOZ Rank: 35
Significado de PREDICTABLE en el Diccionario Cambridge inglés
predictable Significado, definición, qué es predictable: 1. Something that is predictable happens in a way or at a time that you know about before it…. Aprender más. login
DA: 49 PA: 73 MOZ Rank: 94
See the passwords that you should never use for your security
Nov 19, 2021 . Passwords are so predictable that they could put your information at risk. By Entrepreneur en Español November 19, 2021 This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies.
DA: 81 PA: 3 MOZ Rank: 13
Predictable Dansk i App Store
Predictable, en prisvindende tekst-til tale kommunikationsløsning. Udviklet til mennesker, der ikke kan bruge talesproget på grund af blandt andet: - ALS - Parkinson og andre neurologiske lidelser - Cerebral Parese (spasticitet) - Afasia og andre følger af hjerneskade - Laryngectomi - … login
DA: 28 PA: 59 MOZ Rank: 100
Predictable definición y significado | Diccionario Inglés
predictable. If you say that an event is predictable, you mean that it is obvious in advance that it will happen . This was a predictable reaction, given the bitter hostility between the two countries. The result was entirely predictable. His article is, predictably, a scathing attack on capitalism. login
DA: 61 PA: 68 MOZ Rank: 23
The government's UFO report appears to have an annoyingly
Jun 04, 2021 . The government's UFO report appears to have an annoyingly predictable conclusion. The report on UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) demanded by Congress has not yet officially been released, but ... login
DA: 55 PA: 64 MOZ Rank: 37
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DA: 24 PA: 54 MOZ Rank: 55
PREDICTABLE English Definition and Meaning |
adjective. 1 Able to be predicted. ‘So, the art to urban driving, is being predictable, and being able to tell what other roads users are most likely to do.’. ‘Your course is entirely predictable and can be anticipated by the predator.’. ‘Look here Bobby, if … login
DA: 87 PA: 98 MOZ Rank: 90
predictable | significado de predictable en el Longman
predictable. if something or someone is predictable, you know what will happen or what they will do – sometimes used to show disapproval The snow had a predictable effect on traffic. an entertaining but predictable film Logan’s reaction was predictable. —predictably adverb [ sentence adverb] Predictably, no one was home when I called ... login
DA: 29 PA: 37 MOZ Rank: 97